EUPCL for Climate & Peace

We are the European Platform for Compassionate Leadership for Climate & Peace. We aim to connect the energy of the youth with the wisdom of compassionate leadership in order to rebuild our global community on principles of planetary health and human care. We organize innovative learning and education events and experiences, while building a community of practice for sustainable change leaders.

Time to act

Decades of prosperity, and economic and technical growth have brought us to cross planetary boundaries. We are facing a crisis on multiple levels: Global warming, ecosystem destruction, biodiversity loss, pandemics, social inequality and climate refugees. And we are running out of time!

Changing perspectives

We need a coordinated and global response in order to meet the unparalleled challenges we are currently facing. The solution needs to be anchored in understanding our common humanity and ecosystems. Climate change is not just a technical problem: it is caused by human behavior and therefore can be solved by changing human behavior. This requires collective leadership to build a collective vision

Our impact

We aim to turn the current crisis into an opportunity to redesign our world. This is the moment to raise the bar, and build the ‘new normal’ together. A normal rooted in the positive vision for the future of humanity that is implicit in the modern science of the mind. We need your support in order to build the new normal.

Our role

We believe that compassionate leadership, based on cultivating inner peace is the catalyst for creating such collective vision. This is rooted in the new understanding of the science of the mind, pointing to its potential for positive development. We want to help develop the compassionate leaders for tomorrow.

‘The world is not going to change,
unless we change ourselves’

Rigoberta Menchú Tum (Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 1992)

Supporting the EU Green Deal

EUPCL is supporting the EU Green Deal because it is one of the necessary global responses to meet the unparalleled challenges we are currently facing. The European Union is striving to become the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050.

To achieve this, the European Commission presented the European Green Deal, the most ambitious package of measures that should enable European citizens and businesses to benefit from sustainable green transition. 

Involvement and commitment of the public and of all stakeholders is crucial to  its success. In fact, this is Europe’s most comprehensive societal change program so far. A crucial part of the transition is to win the hearts and minds of Europe’s 446 million inhabitants. 

Above all, the European Green Deal sets a path for a transition that is just and socially fair. It is designed in such a way as to leave no individual or region behind in the great transformation ahead.

For the EU Green Deal to be effective, we will need to strengthen the engagement and cooperation among stakeholders. These include youth, educators, academia, business, religions, civil society and governments.

Be involved and/or be part of the project:

we can change

© 2021 | European Platform for Compassionate Leadership for Climate & Peace